Green Scheme Certificate

Green Scheme Certificates are given to business partners who are taking action and making effort to operate in a more sustainable and environmental way. Each logo sticker corresponds to a certain action the business has taken.

These Certificates are awarded in partnership with Business Whangaparaoa, the business association for the Whangaparaoa Peninsula. You can read more about some of our local eco heroes on our current participant’s page.

Achievements include: Having a waste audit, composting food scraps, sourcing locally, providing plantbased options, reducing food waste, accepting reusable containers and cups, providing mug loan or borrow services, refilling water for free, reducing single-use waste, finding alternatives for repurposing items, diverting items from landfill and many more actions.

We are currently seeking businesses who would like to be involved in the Green Scheme certification for 2024. If you may be interested please register your interest below and we will be in touch.

Get in touch to find out more