Auckland Climate Plan Goals related to hospitality

The following are current legislation or Auckland Council Climate Plan goals of relevance to the Hospitality industries.

Already Banned

  • 2022 - PVC food trays & containers, all polystyrene takeaway food & drink packaging, plastic drink stirrers, plastic cotton buds,

  • 2023 - Plastic produce bags, plastic plates, bowls, cutlery and straws, plastic produce labels (like fruit stickers)

Incoming Ban 2025

  • All other PVC and polystyrene food and drink packaging

2030 Aims

  • Ban single-use coffee cups

  • Ban single-use wet wipes

  • Paper/cardboard waste reduced by 30% and 30% of the remaining waste recycled

  • All businesses required to divert food scraps from landfill

  • Retrofit 50% of existing and commercial buildings to a high standard of energy efficiency

  • Replace 75% of gas heaters in existing commercial buildings with electric heat pumps

  • Replace 50% of gas water heaters in existing commercial buildings with electric heat pump water heaters

Issues facing the Industries

Food Based businesses

  • Food waste scraps to be diverted from landfill to composting

  • Food loss

  • Use of a lot of power/gas

  • Recycling and bins around waste

  • Washroom toilet paper, towels, etc

  • Print of customer receipts

  • Cleaning of surfaces/equipment

  • Kitchen and bathroom cleaning

  • Food options/opportunities

  • Packaging and waste/single use serveware

  • Takeaway cups/compostable serveware

  • Food composting opportunities

  • Premises lighting and energy use

  • Heat pumps and air conditioning

Accommodation businesses

  • Washing and cleaning excess

  • Use of a lot of power/gas

  • Single use items, eg toilet paper, towels, etc

  • Single use packaging

  • Provided mini accessories, eg shampoos, etc instead of refillable pump containers

  • Premises lighting

  • Heat pumps and air conditioning


Undertake a waste audit to break down what your current waste consists of

Use a pressing machine for plastic bottles to save on space and waste costs

Have Keep Cups available for sale

Put plastics under the coffee steamer to soften and reduce in size for waste saving

Only print customer receipts when asked for

Train staff in sustainable practices

Use the City to Farm Project for food scrap diversion (details from HCZW)

Sell end-of-day food on the Foodprint app, or give to local food pantries or organisations

Offer free water

Put reminder stickers on bins for staff awareness and action

Ensure equipment is eco efficient (eg fridge)

Use sugar bowls not sugar sachets

Offer Keep Cup opportunities and offer a deal to benefit both you and your customers

Separate soft plastics

Compost your food scraps and coffee grounds with City to Farm, sharewaste or feed to animals

Put your ventilation on a timer to go off at night

Changed light bulbs to LED - also saves power costs

Use enviro friendly cleaning powders to water in refillable plastic containers to avoid buying more plastic containers

Source kitchen and washroom products from an environmentally friendly service (HCZW can provide a list of local options for you)

Don’t run the tap continuously when washing or cleaning

Grow your own mini herb garden

In warmer seasons open the doors instead of using the air conditioner

Join a share scheme around pick up/drop off of certain products (eg scrap metal, items to the WCRC facility) to save time, money and petrol

Encourage staff car pooling, use of public transport or biking/walking to work

Measure your carbon footprint and explore off-setting options, HCZW can assist with this.


Use You Own -  Where to find cafe’s & eateries that encourage UYO/BYO to reduce single use food and coffee waste and/or are single use waste free

Refill NZ - Where you can get your water bottle refilled for free -

Food Print - App where end of day food is listed and sold at cost price to connect consumers with affordable food that would otherwise be wasted or unfit to sell -

Food Scraps & Food Resource

Compost Hubs - Compost Collective Sharewaste Hubs -

City to Farm - North Auckland Medium scale compost project that returns bokashi food scraps to the land to build soil and grow food -

Green Gorilla - Auckland Waste Collection, Management & Recycling Services - ​​

Food Rescue & Supply

Aotearoa NZ Map of: Food Banks, Pataki Kai, Community Meals, Fruit & Vege Co-op, Food Rescue, Community Garden, NZFN Food Hub: Partner organisations who are NZFN food storage & distribution centres -

Fair Food - food rescue organisation suppling frontline community groups with free food -

Selling and distributing gleaned produce and retailer-rejected food -

Food Together - Nation-wide network connecting communities and growers around healthy food, creating jobs and equipping and empowering local collectives, to make fresh food more affordable and accessible for all while resourcing communities -

Fruit & vege box subscriptions of retailer & supermarket rejected food from farmers -

Love Soup - North Auckland Organisation providing cooked food and redistributing good food that would otherwise go to waste, to communities in need -

Kai Ika - Retailer discarded fish parts are collected from various sources and redistributed to needy families and community groups all over Auckland -

General Sustainability

Sustainable Business Network Free Self Assessment Tool -

Carbon Assessments and offsetting

Carbon footprint assessment tool for businesses & offsetting options -

Carbon footprint assessment tool for businesses & offsetting options -

Responsible Banking & Investing

Mindful Money is a charity that promotes ethical investment via their tool that checks what funds and types of investments Kiwisavers and investment funds are putting money in to -

Clean Power

Canstar Blue - A summary of power companies and if they use renewable sources -

NZ Compare - a guide to renewable power companies in New Zealand -

Light Force - Solar providers, modular and hybrid grid systems available -

B-Corp Certification -B Corp Certification is a designation that a business is meeting high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and input materials -

Single Use Cup alternatives

Under discussion in 2024 Keep in on the Coast cup Simple, NZ Based, Coffee cups, app - Cup and container return system, also uses an app - Mug Libraries

Education and information on HCZW carton collections/drop off to go to “better” recycling options - Whangaparāoa Community Resource Recovery Centre

Locations to drop soft plastics - Whangaparāoa Community Resource Recovery Centre

Suggestions on refill options for products, eg Bin Inn, HCZW - Gilmours truck greater carbon footprint just driving around counter acts any positive refill benefits unless tied in also perhaps with supply deliveries? - Local Store - The Refill Van - Mobil service - Eco Store Refillry WCRC

Hospitality: Considercounter stand encouraging use of oat milk, brief benefits etc? - FREE coffees on Fridays for people if they try their oat milk, Drifter Coffee does this