Auckland Climate Plan Goals related to retail businesses

The following are current legislation or Auckland Council Climate Plan goals of relevance to retail industries.

Already Banned

  • 2022 - PVC food trays & containers, all polystyrene takeaway food & drink packaging, plastic drink stirrers, plastic cotton buds,

  • 2023 - Plastic produce bags, plastic plates, bowls, cutlery and straws, plastic produce labels (like fruit stickers)

Incoming Ban 2025

  • All other PVC and polystyrene food and drink packaging

2030 Aims

  • Ban single-use coffee cups

  • Ban single-use wet wipes

  • Paper/cardboard waste reduced by 30% and 30% of the remaining waste recycled

  • Retrofit 50% of existing and commercial buildings to a high standard of energy efficiency

  • Replace 75% of gas heaters in existing commercial buildings with electric heat pumps

  • Replace 50% of gas water heaters in existing commercial buildings with electric heat pump water heaters

Issues facing the Industries

Retail businesses - Op Shops

  • Lots of unsold clothing waste

  • Waste of large furniture and whiteware items

  • Fluorescent lighting in some premises

  • Labelling and price tagging of items

  • Eftpos printing of till receipts

  • Unsaleable e-wate products, need advice on disposal

  • Need education around recycling/reuse /repurpose opportunities

  • Oter item waste, eg toys, glass, ekitchen items, books/paper, general

  • Washroom toilet paper, towels, etc

  • Food scrap waste from staff (usually minimal)

  • Education to public re illegal dumping

  • Kitchen and bathroom cleaning

  • Premises lighting

  • Soft plastic use (eg in packaging)

  • Heat pumps and air conditioning

  • Travel to and from retail premises


Undertake a waste audit to break down what your current waste consists of

Bring in recycle bins if not already doing so and educating on the most basic of recycle items (even if not all, just some recycling by sorting staff is better than none at all!)

Recycle paper/books

Shred paper and use for packaging

Invest in a paperless eftpos machine, whilst the cost of the hire may be higher you will be saving on the paper roll costs too

Separate out metal based items to send to the scrap metal works in Silverdale

Put reminder stickers on bins for staff awareness and action

Collect compostables and take home or deliver to HCZW

Label items with paper labels and safety pins, if too hard staples are better than plastic tags

Use your own donated cups and sugar bowls (avoid sugar sachets)

Separate coffee grinds, teabags, food scraps

Separate soft plastics

Advertise your unsold items through social media for upcycling/repurposing

Offer your unsold items to local artists, classes

Put ventilation on a timer to go off at night

Changed light bulbs to LED - also saves power

Cut off cords from electrical items for recycling

Use enviro friendly capsules for cleaning spray and wipe or refill or refill from HCZW

In warmer seasons open the doors instead of using the air conditioner

Join a share scheme around pick up/drop off of certain products to save time, money and petrol

Consider being part of a share scheme for above pick ups/drop offs and perhaps share a trailer for larger furniture items also thus sharing dump costs if required

Encourage staff car pooling, use of public transport or biking/walking to work

Educate staff/volunteers and public on alternative recycle opportunities

Make up rag bags for free pick up and use by local tradies

Measure your carbon footprint and explore off-setting options, HCZW can assist with this.


Information on costs for replacement of flourecent lights with LED or alternative options - find cost savings

Paperless Eftpos

Cost of 4 pack eftpos paper roll from Warehouse Stationary is $4.99 - Moving to a Paperless kitchen order screen will help improve productivity while reducing confusion and paper chaos. The digital docket display solution designed by hospitality for hospitality. Starting at $39 a month for the paperless option. No reason why this system can’t be used in other industries? -

Better ways to tag clothing

SaveMart uses staples to tag clothing. Alternative look at safety pins if this is practical and reuse.

The following are items that are available for refill at the HCZW station

Ecostore Grapefruit Dishwash, Ultra-Sensitive Laundry Liquid and Lemongrass Handwash

The following are a list of what is accepted by HCZW in their e waste drop offs for recycling -

  • TVs and Monitors

    CRT TV, Rear Projection TV, Flat Panel, CRT Computer Monitor, LCD Computer Monitor

  • PCs

    Desktops & servers, Laptops, Modems, swtiches, routers, computer speakers, (per unit), Data Destruction, UPS, Laptop Battery

  • Printers

    Small Printers/scanners/faxs small (less than 0.5m3), Large Printers/scanners/faxs small (more than 0.5m3), Photocopiers small/med, Photocopiers large, Copier toner

  • Household Appliances

    Small appliances, heaters/fans, vacuums, dehumifiers, microwaves

  • Consumer Electronics

    DVD & VCRs, Steros systems, Speakers per unit

  • Other

    HH batteries, Washing machines, dryers, dishwashers

A list of all local inorganic collections

To find out details about inorganic collections and see your local area dates check the Auckland Council website at

Fabric Rescue

1.       Intercept Fabric Rescue - A programme developed and run by Whangarei Salvation Army Family Store – looking at getting support to get this off the ground in Whangaparaoa also.

Light Bulb options

Philips has developed an Ultra Efficient light bulb that uses new technology to cut carbon emissions, reduce material waste, and lower energy usage. With an amazing 50,000 hour lifetime it lasts more than 3 times longer than the Philips LED bulb equivalents — and uses up to 60% less energy *, just what is needed for a more sustainable planet.