Green Scheme Certification 2023

North Harbour Law

3 Alice Ave, Orewa - 09-427-0550 - -

When it comes to getting you great outcomes, we’ve got the expertise to get you sorted. For more than a quarter of a century we have served multiple generations of families, charities, and businesses, large and small. Our individual expertise combined with personal and firm knowledge of both the law and our local community means we are trusted legal advisors of choice for those looking for skilful, reliable and pragmatic legal advice. Getting you sorted since 1985.

North Harbour Law

North Harbour Law felt they do a few things but not enough and were keen to be given more information. They do already do a number of good things but there are a few areas where there could be options to take more actions and they were keen to explore some of those.

We selected North Harbour Law to be one of our pilot businesses under our “Office based” survey which we undertook on 25 August 2023 because of their willingness to be open about what they do and enthusiasm to start taking more actions.

Actions Taken at the time of the Survey

  • All lightbulbs have been changed to LED

  • Use recycle toilet paper and paper towels in bathroom

  • Paper is recycled - monthly collection by TIMG - this doubles as a secure service for documentation

  • Have curbside recycle bin

  • Staff are good at sorting landfill and recycling

  • Reuse cardboard packaging if can but not very practical

  • Don’t print receipts but mostly online payments

  • Use a contract cleaner - believe they use eco friendly products (perhaps worth a check?)

  • Staff can work from home but usually expected to be in office

  • Informal policy but source Christmas gifts locally

Actions Not taken at the time of the Survey and would like to consider

  • Many staff go out and get takeaway coffees - would like to see less use of takeaway coffee cups

  • Don’t sort soft plastics

  • No posters or signs to remind staff of recycling practices

  • Food waste from lunches goes into landfill

  • Everything is digitized but also keep a lot of paper records and print a lot of file content (this is hard to avoid) - possible scope for more digitization but would need buy in

  • Have no policy on single use items brought in (eg lunch boxes) - this is staff choice

  • No actions to reduce carbon emissions - don’t know about or know tools

  • Most staff drive to work - no carpooling or public transport) only one EV in company

  • Staff room equipment is mostly old so probably not eco friendly - fridge seal is broken

  • Would like to look at further strategies for reduction of use of paper and also power

  • Keen to hear about carbon emissions tools for reducing or off-setting

  • Keen to do a waste audit

  • Interested to get more info on Mindful Money


North Harbour Law 2023 Certifications

CLICK HERE for explanations on all available certifications

  • This business has taken steps to significantly reduce its paper usage. This can include digitising processes such as customer paperwork, offering receipts optionally not automatically to customers and saving paper that is good on one side for other purposes.

  • The business has measured its average power consumption over a month and taken action to reduce its power usage and has proven to do so significantly. Actions can include changing lightbulbs, upgrading to low-power appliances and adapting heating and cooling systems.

  • This business uses eco friendly products and takes eco friendly actions in the cleaning of their premises and goods.